Filming in Country Club Park

Mansion Filming in Country Club ParkOur neighborhood’s breathtaking homes have been featured in numerous commercials, TV shows and movies. If you’re interested in filming in Country Club Park, please contact our film liaison Mark Hadley.

He will work with the production companies to ensure that all homeowners near the proposed shooting location(s) are properly notified and that shoots proceed smoothly with minimum disruption to our neighborhood. In an effort to make filming here a “win-win” situation; the CCPNA suggests a monetary donation using the following schedule:


  • $100 per weekday for still shoots
  • $500 per commercial shoot days / $250 per prep/strike days
  • $600 per film/TV shoot days / $300 per prep/strike days

After-hours and Weekends:

  • $200 per hour for after-hour (after 10 PM or before 7 AM) commercial & film/TV shoots
  • $300 per day for still weekend shoots
  • $1200 per day for weekend and holiday commercial and film/TV shoots

​*Your production must also provide a security guard to monitor the gate(s) in use. All proceeds will go toward the beautification of Country Club Park.

Feel free to contact our film liaison Mark Hadley at  310-251-9555  or email

Please make checks payable to the Country Club Park Neighborhood Association and mail to:

P.O. Box 19512
Los Angeles, CA 90019American Horror Store Filmed at the Rosenheim Mansion